hey buddy

Who or what comes into your mind when you hear the word BUDDY? I bet most people will immediately think about their pets and “hey buddy” is even a common pet greeting.

Presenting… my laptop buddies. Please enjoy. 🙂

Ashton and Tiger side by side.

All paws up!

Ashton and Tiger are nap buddies.

I’m holding this for you mom.

Can i help you type?

Boots in lala land… shh don’t disturb.

Can we play first before i take my nap?

I know they are just enjoying the warmth coming from it but i think they just want to be near me and just hang out and be annoyingly cute and adorable.

cat purrday friday post: hello furry friends! i’m back…

Hi everyone! It’s really good to be home and there’s no place like it. Well, i don’t like it in the pet hospital. I was so sad when i was there because i missed mummy. And it’s lonely out there because i saw some furry friends who are sick too just like me. But some are really very ill. Sometimes it’s hard for me to sleep too because i always hear the doggie who is a labrador just below my cage who is crying in pain. Oh how i wish i could help her.Then there’s a cat at the other side who has dextrose attached on her leg and it must be painful and even if i said hi, she wouldn’t even glance at me. She is terribly sick. But more than anything else, i missed my mum and i’m sure she missed me too. I don’t want to be at the pet hospital again, ever! 

(Note: on the day when Star was discharged from the pet hospital, i looked for the labrador as her cage below Star was empty. Sadly, she passed and gone to the Rainbow Bridge. Sshhh.. i never told Star about it.)



I so love mummy. She sees to it that i could take my medicines on time. She even had to set her alarms so she could be reminded. All in all, i have 3 medicines which are to be taken at different time intervals so she has 3 alarms for the day. Well, i hate the medicines especially the pill (yuck!) but if those could make me really well then i don’t have any choice, do i? Hmm.. i think i’m really getting well. I eat a lot now, i’m more active and sometimes grumpy if my lil brother Tiger bugs me. I would say i’m back to being myself.

I will be back at the pet hospital on June 15, 2013. Did i just say i don’t want to ever go back there? Sigh! Mummy said that i have to. They will count my blood again. I wonder how they do the counting, it is liquid isn’t it? Oh well, again i must do it. I really want to be well and good and i want this anemia to get out of me forever. Mum said anemia is having a lower than normal number of red blood cells. Oh this medical terms are giving me a headache. Anyway, thank you all for the well-wishes. Mummy is very happy that i have so many many friends who sent their love, thoughts and prayers. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Love and kitty kisses…

Please be with me again on my next Cat Purrday Post.

kitty STAR

my e-journal: Star’s passion flower, kitty Star is home, i’m happy to the nth power

I received a text message this morning that kitty Star is now eating and i could take her home today. I am so happy. No words could ever describe my extreme happiness. I thanked God that my kitty is getting okay.

I also noticed this morning that the passion flower bud has opened. I already have the red variety and this one has purple flowers. I will be calling it Star’s passion flower because it bloomed today as i was about to take my kitty home. My kitty Star is doing okay and for the first time i saw my plant’s flower so it’s a double happiness for me today.


passion flower


passion flower


passion flower

When i arrived at the hospital i saw that Star is still eating and that’s a great sign. Her doctor explained to me how to administer her medications at home. Here’s her photo, she’s in the carrier and ready for home. What a great joy!

PicMonkey Collage1


As soon as i arrived home, i wrote a big reminder which i posted on the fridge about her 3 medicines that are to be given at different time intervals. When i asked her doctor as to what really went wrong with Star, she says that she is anemic. The disease might be hereditary because of her breed or it may be caused by viral infection. The 3 medicines are prednisone for the management and treatment of her immune system, antibiotics for viral infection and iron supplements to aid in the production of red blood cells. She will be having a recheck on June 15, 2013 for complete blood count again to see if the medications are really working for her.

Kitty Star and I are truly grateful for all your thoughts, prayers, concern and well wishes. Well, she will really have something to say on her Cat Purrday Friday Post so please watch out for that.

Sending love and thanks to everyone.

cat purrday friday post: sleeping time

Hello furry friends.. Star here. I want to share with you some photos of me on my mum’s bed. I usually sleep here but sometimes i prefer sleeping on top of the stereo components together with mum’s other furries as you would see in this photo.

I just love it here on mum’s bed… so soft, so smooth and so sweet-smelling. I could sleep here the whole day.



I could even stretch out on here like this … ahh, it feels good!



Well, this photo is a bit blurred, sorry about that. You see, i was trying to play with my mum’s stylus dangling from her cellphone as she was taking this photo..



Here’s me so sound asleep now. Did you notice my pink nose?



Goodnight dear friends. Please visit me again on Friday.. kitty hugs to all.


cat purrday friday post: Star’s instagram (that’s me) on mum’s sidebar

Hello everyone! Mum made some changes on her blog’s layout. She posted my Instagram on her sidebar.. yeheyyy! Just in case you want to see so many more photos of me, just click that photo icon and it will redirect you to my Instagram posts. 

Do you want to see last night’s posts on my Instagram? Well, mum had a fun time taking photos of me.. well parts of me. 


my furry paws


my long whiskers


my furry tail


sorry about my dirty feet mum..


my pink nose

And good thing there’s also a photo of the whole me..



Please visit me again on Friday on my next cat purrday post. Have a great weekend! 


cat purrday friday post: Star is on Instagram

Hello furry friends.. Star here and welcome to my Cat Purrday Friday Post. I would love to share with you some of my recent posts on Instagram. Here they are. Enjoy!

This photo was taken last night and i’m already sleeping and mum is still taking photos of me. 



My kitty paw 🙂



Little princess (that’s me) sound asleep.



Here’s another photo of me sleeping. .



One of my favorite poses when i take a nap.



My big blue and golden eyes..



Ssshhh! Don’t tell mum i’m up here! Mum would get really angry because this place is so high.. look i’m almost at the ceiling.



Do you want to see more photos of me? You may visit or if you wish you may also follow my Instagram starlight427.

Happy Friday everyone and kitty hugs to all.


cat purrday friday post: sorry about the screen door mum!

My kitty Star loves  to go up the screen door everytime she hears birds tweeting. Solution: go crawl up the screen door to have a better outside view.

Oh Star, look at my screen door now, it’s riddled with your claw marks.

She’ll stay attached to it for some time until she decides to climb all the way on top of the door to roost and watch the outside world.











cat purrday friday post: this box is mine!

Hello again my furry friends..  this post is a little bit late. Mum thought she posted a cat purrday post last Friday but when she checked on it today, there’s none. Anyway, better late than never… right? 

Today, i’ll be sharing with you photos of me and my sibling Tiger. You see, i found the box first and Tiger also wants the box.. and he wants to get in but he’s so big and heavy and there’s only a room for one.. 

Oh no Tiger..  this box is mine!


Star and Tiger

See how small the box is?


Star and Tiger

You’re so funny Tiger. 


Star and Tiger

Just look at Tiger’s face.


Star and Tiger

You can’t buy the box with your cute face Tiger, haha!


Star and Tiger

See! there’s just a room for one.



Don’t worry friends, i love Tiger and i gave the box to him after i’m done playing with it..

Hope you’ll visit me again next Friday. (mummmm, don’t be late in posting the next cat purrdayyyyy..)


cat purrday friday post: one of these things…


Star with other furry friends

Do you remember the song “One of These Things” from Sesame Street? If you do, then sing with me.

One of these things is not like the others,
One of these things just doesn’t belong,
Can you tell which thing is not like the others
By the time I finish my song?

Did you guess which thing was not like the others?
Did you guess which thing just doesn’t belong?
If you guessed that STAR is not like the others,
Then you’re absolutely…RIGHT!

cat purrday friday post: the top kitty bed is mine!

“Hello furry friends! Sorry for having posted late. You see, mum is quite busy and even if i tell her to make a post she says i should wait. Today, i will show you some photos of me and my sibling Tiger. Tiger wants to sleep on my kitty bed in the cat condo but i told him the top bed is mine. But still, he’s very persistent, he wants to sleep here and i told him NO.. but still he wants to so i kitty jabbed him quite a few times actually. Oh no, it’s just some act, i don’t want to hurt him of course. Well, now he knows that i’m the boss around here… haha. But even if Tiger is that annoying, i love him to bits.”



Oh tiger, this bed is mine!


Tiger, you are really so annoying.


Mum, Tiger wants to get in bed!!


Tiger, the lower kitty bed is yours.. now, this is mine.


Peace and quiet at last.


This is my kitty bed and i will take a nap now.